Marching Band Fees Information
Electronic Debit/Credit card Payments can be made.
Checks and Money Order made out to "NPHS MUSIC BOOSTERS" Please deposit it into the box outside of Mrs. Alegria's office. Please use and fill out an envelope found outside the box.
Deposit cash into the box outside of Mrs. Alegria's office. Please use and fill out an envelope found outside the box.
$125 Deposit due June 1st.
Important REQUIRED Dates
May 30 & 31- Pre-Band Camp 10am to 1pm at NPHS
July 22-25- BAND CAMP 10am-2pm at NPHS
July 29-Aug 1-BAND CAMP 12pm-8pm at NPHS
SATURDAY Aug. 17-Rain Rehearsal 12pm-8pm at NPHS
SATURDAY, September 21 Rain Rehearsal 12pm to 8pm at NPHS
SATURDAY October 12, (not confirmed) COMPETITION ALL DAY @ DURANT HS.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7- Poinsettia Parade
Summer Rehearsals
Percussion: June 11,13,18, 20, 25, 27, 10a-1pm. July 9, 11, 16, 18,10am to 1pm.
Guard: June 11,13,18, 20, 25, 27, 3:30pm-6:30pmpm. July 9, 11, 16, 18, 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Brass & Woodwinds: June 11, 18, 20, 25- 3:30pm-6:30pm. July 9 & 16, 3:30pm-6:30pm
These rehearsals are mandatory if you are in town and are available. If you have a vacation planned (or are planning on going to a music summer camp), please go on vacation! These rehearsals are for maintaining our fundamentals during the summer and to get a head start on learning the music. Depending on the part you play, some students may need a head start to memorize up to 7 pages of music!
If you will not be available due to a planned vacation, we ask that you complete an absence form for communication purposes so we know where you are. You will not be penalized for missing these rehearsals for planned family summer vacation (or music summer camp). Please let us know as soon as you know!
Regular rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday beginning August 13 and will be 5pm to 8:30pm.
Friday, October 4th, Rehearsal 5-8:30p
Friday, October 11, Rehearsal 5-8:30p
Friday, October 25, Rehearsal 5-8:30p
Football Games
Friday, August 23, Home Game vs Parrish
Friday, September 13, Home Game vs Bonita Springs
Friday, September 27, Home Game vs Desoto
Friday, October 18, Home Game vs Hardee
Poinsettia Parade
REHEARSAL Friday November 22, 2:30 to 4:00
REHEARSAL Friday, December 6, 2:30 to 4:00
PARADE PERFORMANCE December 7. This is an evening performance that will generally start around 6:00pm. More specific information will become available as we get closer to the event.
Marching Band Extras and Accessories
Band Camp Parent Performance
See the what the marching band has learned during their time at Band Camp
Get important medical and travel forms notarized by an on-site notary so you don't have to spend time out of your schedule to get it done.
Band Camp and Rehearsal Necessities
1 Gallon Water Jug filled with water!
Comfortable sneakers / running shoes that are not bendy. Converse and Flip Flops are not appropriate and will lead to poor performance or injury.
School-Appropriate athletic wear: shorts and a white T-shirt.
Sun Glasses
A hat (the bigger the better)
Uniform Care
Bibbers are the black "overalls" students wear for their uniform. (Does not apply for Colorguard members)
Wash on cold by itself and hang dry or low tumble dry. Please do not use any additional fragrances in the wash.
$75.00 Fee for lost or damaged bibbers.
Wash like normal athletic wear on cold. Uniform tops belong to you and do not need to be returned, however, a replacement may not be available if it is lost or damaged.​
Marching Shoes
Marching Shoes will be purchased during band camp and a link will be here to make the order.
October (AKA "Bandtober")
October is the busiest month for Marching Band. There is some type of event almost every Friday or Saturday. It is imperative that students are diligent with their homework, sleep, and healthy eating habits during this time. Marching Band will consume a majority of their month. Please plan carefully during this time frame. We ask that you do not plan any vacations during this time as we need everyone for October.
Absent Policy
Attendance is mandatory for all rehearsals and performances. There is no way to be successful without every member living up to their potential! Just think about having to do your math homework, except the numbers 4, 7, and 2 refuse to show up! We must ALL show up to get the answer we want—success!
With that in mind, we do understand that things HAPPEN. But you must understand that communication is the only way to still promote a level of success and respect among your peers.
For this, we will allow 2 EXCUSED absences:
An EXCUSED absence is one that the directors (not section leaders, drum majors or other members) have been told about ahead of time (at least 2 weeks notice required to be excused) and have approved. Most absences that you are aware of 2 weeks in advance should be excused. Some good examples are—Weddings, other performances for school, and SPECIALIST appointments (regular doctor and dentist/orthodontist appointments should be scheduled around the Marching Band schedule).
Vacations should NOT be planned during marching season (you’re still in school, remember?) but in extreme cases, we can work around some events. Vacations require ONE MONTH notice in advance.
All other EXCUSED absences are considered for extreme illness (with a doctor’s note), funerals, or other events at the discretion of the directors.
ALL ABSENCES of an EXCUSED nature require paperwork signed by a parent.
Absences of an UNEXCUSED nature are not tolerated and will result in the issuance of demerits. Some examples of UNEXCUSED absences include:
No Ride
Being "grounded"
Students should also arrive at least 15 minutes before rehearsal begins. If a student is TARDY 3 times to rehearsal, it will equal 1 UNEXCUSED absence and will result in the issuance of demerits.
The accumulation of demerits may result in consequences such as: losing 3rd quarter break privileges (students may still eat), having an assigned seat on the bus when traveling, loss of trip eligibility, or removal from the band (only in extreme cases).
*Note* All absences are considered UNEXCUSED until the proper paperwork has been turned in.